Graham Johnson (author)

Graham Johnson, born 4 May 1968, is a best-selling author and investigative journalist who has contributed to a variety of publications including News of the World, Sunday Mirror, The Observer, Vice magazine, The Guardian and Liverpool Echo. He often publishes crime stories under several different bylines. He is also a media personality, frequently appearing on Sky and BBC as a crime pundit and reporter. He has also made documentaries for Sky, Panorama and Germany's ARD. He worked at the Sunday Mirror between 1997 - 2005 and for six years was the paper's Investigations Editor. He has been a finalist for Reporter of the Year three times and been described in parliament as an 'investigative reporter supreme.' Johnson has covered stories including drug dealing in Britain, people smuggling in Europe, child slavery in India and Pakistan, and war in the Balkans. In order to research his debut novel, Johnson spent several years on and off embedded with some of Britain's most notorious gangs. He currently lives in London. His books have been published by Mainstream Publishing and Simon and Schuster and his literary agent is Jon Elek at AP Watt.


Non-fiction (True-Crime)

